Friday, March 23, 2007

Slow down

It's been a while, sorry. Not much to report. Dave situation is pretty much non-existent. He seemed into it before he left and then I haven't heard from him since he got back. Andrew and Holly are pretty much a couple. I love Holly but can't help to feel a slight twinge of jealously since I never really had a chance to see what could have been with the whole Justin / Andrew situation. She's a great girl and he's a great guy so they'll be great together.

Feeling tired, sluggish. Think my body is fighting something. Haircut tonight at 6 then dinner and out with Beth. Should be fun. Matt and I are having a work-out/shopping /massage day tomorrow. Bike ride Sunday AM. 29th bday is around the corner. Holly is planning a joint bday for Beth and I, starting @ Pazo.

I think I'm falling back into my slump again. Rather than just going out and having fun I am looking for something - not a relationship, but I am dying for some physical attention. And it seems the more that I want it, the further I get from it! What is this?!?

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Dinner with Dave on Wednesday went well. We went to Birches, shared a bottle of wine, had good conversation. Night ended with a so-so kiss, though we were being rushed by a car coming through behind us. Thursday night after training Justin and I were having dinner when he informed me it was Dave's birthday. We ended up meeting them for a little bit at JDs, and he seemed happy to see me. I didn't want to overstay the welcome and I was tired so Justin and I headed out after a little while. Friday night Andrew and Paula picked me up and we were meeting Holly, Beth and Justin at Portside. Got a delayed response on a text I had sent Dave earlier and he ended up coming out. Justin cock blocked for most of the night, though we did sneak in a bit of kissing at Cosmos. At the end of the night I was just drunk and needed to sleep in my own bed and not do anything I wouldn't remember/would regret so I headed out with Paula. Night ended with some drunken text messaging, and I woke up to "U R Killing Me." I have no idea what elicited that response and when I saw Dave at Little Havanas the next day, he wouldn't really tell me. So I'm not sure if I was annoying him or teasing him. He was also acting a bit removed so I'm sure I said / did something retarded to freak him out. Oh well.

So I got up and worked out Sat morning, then Andrew and I met for a bike ride. Rode down to Schwann park to catch the footballers, then off to Ft. McHenry. It was a good ride to get acquainted with my bike. Afterwards we went to meet Holly and Justin and gang at Little Havana's...then made plans to meet up again at 9:15 at No Way Jose. I was so exhausted I bailed and was in bed by 9pm. Woke up this morning and had breakfast with Andy - thank goodness he's back! Picked up Justin, went to Andrew's and met him and Holly, walked up to Charles and Frankling for the Kelly's Shamrock 5K. Race went ok - I had to stop for about 30 seconds to catch my breath, but was able to finish in 26:40. Not too shabby for not having run outside at all. Andy met us at the Power Plant and the plan for a PM bike ride ensued. After much commotion and a lot of irritation on my part we ended up at the BWI trail. It was nice - a bit chilly which hurt when we were moving, but it was a nice 12 mile ride. Home now and exhausted.

Not quite sure how I feel about the Dave situation. He seemed into it Wed, Thursday and Friday. Texted about possibly meeting up tonight but I doubt that will happen - it's been a long weekend and I've seen him (if even only briefly) everday except today. I'm sure the frequency is a bit much, I kind of have felt that too. We barely know each other, and I've really kind of enjoyed being single over the last few months. I am not looking to get into anything serious...I am still recovering from damage from the last relationship. I think the problem is that I am very impatient, I think that is something I could definitely benefit from working on.

Man, am I exhausted. I feel like I should push to stay awake until 10, but that seems so far away. Supposed to swim in the AM but I don't know if my body can take it after today. Perhaps if I get to bed now I'll be ready in the morning - we'll see...


Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Go Team Salad

Andy's been gone a little over a week now, and I am swimming in a sea of poop. That and the house being completely fucking freezing has been a little frustrating. Skipped out on swim Monday AM - too unbearably cold - so did cardio and lift Monday night. Yesterday was "swimming video watching" at Justin's - I am now officially intimidated about the swimming. Had a nice time preparing stuff with andrew - felt strangely couple-like and very comfortable. not sure what's going on with him and holly, but i'm a big fan of both of theirs so i guess i hope it works out for them.

dinner with dave tonight - not sure why, but i'm a little scared it's not going to go well. don't really know him, so this should be interesting...

Monday, March 5, 2007

Weekend recap

Monday - AM swim, after work bike (30 min) to 5K.
Tuesday - dinner with Dad at The Wine Market.
Wednesday - AM run. Laundry. Dad brought home Pho.
Thursday - 6 - 8 training. Dinner with Heather at Portside. Paula, Andrew, Holly and Justin met us afterwards. On to Portside (Holly bailed shortly thereafter), then Claddaugh's, then back to Portside. At Claddaugh's ended up tlaking to Andrew about the Justin situation. Pointed out that Andrew was a serial dater - he apparently had no idea, then asked Paula about it on the way home.
Friday - Holly and Springer picked me up in a cab and we went to HH at Cross Street Market. Hung out with the Schneider's - Paula and Amy came to meet us. Late dinner at Mother's, home by midnight, Holly was drunk and we were both tired.
Saturday - went to Pasadena in the AM to get Holly's bike. Then swam at Harborview, met Paula. Grabbed lunch at SoBo cafe and then off to Towson for a crappy boutique sale. Then to Loehmann's and home. Napped, met back up with Holly and her friend Tara for drinks. Started at Cosmo's, then to Mama's - so many cute boys! I should hang out with women more often! Then to Portside, saw Dave briefly. He was hammered and I was on my way. Back to Mama's - tall dark and handsome stranger kept checking me out but would not make a move. Then back to Portside for last call.
Sunday - house cleaning, tending to dogs and work out. Nice and chill. Watched the Last Kiss. Ready for the work week, though I did bail on AM swim since it was SO FREAKING COLD!!!

Swim Dinner on Tuesday. Date with Dave sometime this week? We seem to keep missing each other with scheduling...